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How can you stay long in front of a computer?

I just want to hear your thoughts how you handle this. I can't even stay straight for 2 hours :(((

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I get it! Sitting for long is tough. Try taking mini breaks, stretch, and blink often. Also, sipping water helps! You got this! 😊👍

Thank you!

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Doctor told me to look away from computer screen for 20 seconds at least after 20 minutes of work. It will keep your vision and eyes intact. 
Take breaks, health is top priority. 

Thank you! 

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For me, the struggle is to stay away from the computer. For many years, there have been lots of days I stay in front of the computer all day, apart from a few rest room breaks or do some small chores here and there and then back, often I would even eat while on screen. A few years ago, I gave up being on a computer and got in shape too, became very active.


Then a few years later I got into freelancing, and have gradually become computer-bound again all day every day.

im the other way around. wish I can stay longer hours like you. 😅

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Hi, Janna. It's an interesting question. As for me, it's around a week. 

Community Member

a long time.

Community Member

Try changing spots if you can, like taking your laptop to another room or another spot in the room.


You can also try changing your sitting position, using different types of chairs. There's a unique type of chair in which a person sits as if kneeling down (as if you've turned the chair backwards, and leaning forward on it. They're actually called forward kneeling chairs. And you may use other chairs, as well. Basically, changing positions could make it easier to bear the computer.


You can also switch between sitting and standing, using a convertible standing desk, and this may make the computer more bearable. And take more breaks in between work if you can.

Community Member

Proper computer sitting posture is important for your back and health. There are some simple guidelines that you can follow to achieve perfect computer posture.


Keep your feet flat on the floor or footrest.

Do not cross your legs, knees or ankles.

Keep a little space between your knees and the seat of the chair.

Your knees should be at the same height as your hips or slightly lower.

Your ankles should be in front of your knees.

Relax your shoulders.

Don't bend your elbows resting on your desk.

Knees and forearms should be parallel to the floor.

The elbows should be at your sides.

Sit straight and do not lean to one side.

Be prepared to prevent neck pain or strain .The top of the monitor screen should be at eye level. Use a monitor stand if necessary.

The monitor should be at arm's length.

Your back should rest against the back of your chair or backrest.

Take a 10-minute break every hour and get up and walk.

Place your keyboard 4-6 inches from the edge of your desk to give your wrists room to rest.

Use an ergonomic mouse and mousepad to prevent strain on the wrists.

Keep frequently used items, such as pens and your stapler, nearby so you don't have to stretch or bend over to get to them.

Use a hands-free headset if you're on the phone a lot.

Use a document stand, so you don't have to look down and strain your neck.

Your forearms should be at a 90 degree angle to your upper arms. Having your keyboard too high or too low can cause elbow and shoulder pain.

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